Grandson Brent is currently at Livestock Show and Rodeo in Houston. He is one of the 6 pickup men for the 20 performance rodeo. It is live streamed every night, so we have been able to watch some of the rodeos. It is fun trying to pick Brent out of the others, who all wear the same colored shirt, along with a black hat. They come flying by a cowboy that needs taken off his horse, so you have to look quick.
In addition to all the rodeo events, there has been calf scramble for the 4-Hers or FFA kids. They release 16 calves to about 30 kids. These are not baby calves, so it is not an easy task to catch, halter, then they have to drag them over to a line in the arena. Fun to watch!
Another event they are having is called Chuck Wagon Races. A wagon, one driver, four horses. They make a figure 8 twice around some barrels, then 3 teams once around the arena at a furious pace to see who comes in first in a heat race. Did I mention this is a very large arena? There are 12 chutes for the rough stock to come out. The attendance the first night was over 46,000, and on Sunday PM there was over 115,000. It takes a big place to hold this many people. The Rodeo continues through March 20, so they are about half done.
Problem with the Live Stream on my computer, tho. It stops and starts again, and you miss what is going on while it is stopped. When it is stopped, tho, you can see some spectacular shots of animals kicking, or a cowboy in the air. My internet provider is no help in solving this problem.
Well, we will keep watching anyway!! Fantastic rodeos!
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